How would you best describe your family situation? Parents and children, single parent family, single, couple? It doesn’t matter because God made us all special individuals, each unique in our own way.
We welcome you if you are just passing through, or if you are “checking us out”, or whatever. Here at St James we work and mix as a team. Each person is valued and encouraged to live as good citizens of this great country of ours, and we encourage people to be caring of each other emotionally, spiritually and physically. We do these things within the context of faith in the God who created us and loves us enough to be with us through “thick & thin” times.
While some of us are shy, most of our people will only be too happy to speak with you and invite you to be part of our caring community. We aren’t perfect but we do aim to be helpful, useful, sociable, and supportive.
Pastors are specially trained people to be responsible for the overview of the spiritual life of the “church family”. The pastor is not the core of the church, God and his people are the core! In any Christian community there are many different people with many different talents, and many are at different points in their faith journey. Please feel free to become part of our caring community.
St James Lutheran community is serious about being a safe place for all people, from the youngest to the oldest. You can check out our policies and procedures in various brochures and information sheets. To this end we are compliant with “Child Safe” procedure that the law requires and are committed to a continuous improvement philosophy.
We aim to be a place where your questions and concerns are as welcome as you are.
We are made up of a diversity of people, and none of us are perfect, but our constant aim is to be a caring place, a caring people where you too can share your hurts and disappointments, as well as your hopes and dreams. One of our hopes is that we are a fun loving community where you and your family can meet new friends and enjoy yourselves.
We are a worshiping community with a variety of worship formats, where there are no strict dress codes. Come as you would for a normal community event. We are also a learning community which seeks to find ways of bringing God’s help, hope and practical love to people in the local community and beyond.
St James worshiping Community is a faith community (like a family) where you can discover God’s incredible, practical love for you again, or for the first time.
St James Luthern Church Community